Monday, June 17, 2013

Welcome to Reunion Island!

Bone Fete Papa!

Happy Father's day! I think. Also hope because I told a lot of people thqt yesterday. Then again I also told someone that we belonged to a church that worships the devil. But it is my fault that I am a missionary and there is a church here called la mission? I think not. I also called my branch president a women. Oh well.
So I am here. On a mission. And I love it but it is so hard. I am on La Reunion in an area called St. Paul. It is very beautiful and very poor and very creole. So even if I did knoaw French, which let's be honest, I do not, it would still be hard to communicate because most people speak creole. But it's a pretty cool dialect. To say hello how are you? I am fine thankyou. You say 'Como zot ilès? Le La.'
...what? haha

The people here are very friendly but very unresponsive to the gospel. So they will say 'that is wonderful. Do you want some lemonade? No I am not interested.' haha

We have seen a lot of miracles though. Yesterday while porting (door to door) we met a man named Leon and taught him the plan of Salvation and you could just tell he recognized what we were saying. After all he has heard this plan before, we are just here to reawaken the faith.

The water here is making me sick. At least that is what people think is making me sick. I think it is the horse meat stew. haha let ne just say I have put food in my napkin more than once this week. But in general the food is okay. A LOT of rice. And this pepper called Pimon which is super hot but of course you have to eat it to become one of them. Naturally I eat it all the time.

Our branch is awesome. There are 26 of us total, including my companions and I. Oh yeah! I am in another trio. With Souer Berchel (African) and Vautea (Tahitian). They are both wonderful and speak fluent French so mostly I just nod my head and ask Sr Vautea what people are saying. She speks a little bit of French but not a ton so it is very difficult at times. But I have faith. Anyways I love our tiny branch. I am Sr Edwahh to them, qnd everyone here, because no one can say Edwards. People at church were like 'you speak wonderful French' haha. no. Our Church is a little room above an apartment. There are gaping holes in the wall and so Sacrament is really loud haha.

We are working with a lot of people right now. I have had a lot of neat experiences with them. For example, Cerco lives in a metal hut with no door and it is just dirty and sad. We went and taught her and I understood almost nothing but at the end I just bore my testimony that the Lord is aware of her and loves her and the spirit was very strong. I love the Spirit. That kind of thing has happened to me a few times. I think maybe there is a power in not knowing the language. It makes me listen to the spirit.

Quick! I need everyone within the sound of my voice to send as many fruit snacks as humanly possible to

Eglise de Jesus Christ (SDJ)
BP 80511
St. Denis CEDEX 97490
La Reunion

They don't have those here. Can you believe that? Poor people do not have the gospel or fruit snacks.
Also letters can be sent to

19 ter log 2 Chemin Crere Coeur
Bois Rouge
97460 St. Paul
La Reunion

Well I have to go! Pday was wonderful, we went on a hike in the rain forest! so beautiful. I love you all! Passe un bonne journee

Soeur Edwahh 

also we met this lady porting and she took out a giant stick and started knocking fruit out of a tree haha and we had to catch it then she gave it to us. Idk what it is called but it looks so cool and tastes awesome. We pick fruit all the time here when we are walking. 

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