Monday, June 17, 2013

Welcome to Reunion Island!

Bone Fete Papa!

Happy Father's day! I think. Also hope because I told a lot of people thqt yesterday. Then again I also told someone that we belonged to a church that worships the devil. But it is my fault that I am a missionary and there is a church here called la mission? I think not. I also called my branch president a women. Oh well.
So I am here. On a mission. And I love it but it is so hard. I am on La Reunion in an area called St. Paul. It is very beautiful and very poor and very creole. So even if I did knoaw French, which let's be honest, I do not, it would still be hard to communicate because most people speak creole. But it's a pretty cool dialect. To say hello how are you? I am fine thankyou. You say 'Como zot ilès? Le La.'
...what? haha

The people here are very friendly but very unresponsive to the gospel. So they will say 'that is wonderful. Do you want some lemonade? No I am not interested.' haha

We have seen a lot of miracles though. Yesterday while porting (door to door) we met a man named Leon and taught him the plan of Salvation and you could just tell he recognized what we were saying. After all he has heard this plan before, we are just here to reawaken the faith.

The water here is making me sick. At least that is what people think is making me sick. I think it is the horse meat stew. haha let ne just say I have put food in my napkin more than once this week. But in general the food is okay. A LOT of rice. And this pepper called Pimon which is super hot but of course you have to eat it to become one of them. Naturally I eat it all the time.

Our branch is awesome. There are 26 of us total, including my companions and I. Oh yeah! I am in another trio. With Souer Berchel (African) and Vautea (Tahitian). They are both wonderful and speak fluent French so mostly I just nod my head and ask Sr Vautea what people are saying. She speks a little bit of French but not a ton so it is very difficult at times. But I have faith. Anyways I love our tiny branch. I am Sr Edwahh to them, qnd everyone here, because no one can say Edwards. People at church were like 'you speak wonderful French' haha. no. Our Church is a little room above an apartment. There are gaping holes in the wall and so Sacrament is really loud haha.

We are working with a lot of people right now. I have had a lot of neat experiences with them. For example, Cerco lives in a metal hut with no door and it is just dirty and sad. We went and taught her and I understood almost nothing but at the end I just bore my testimony that the Lord is aware of her and loves her and the spirit was very strong. I love the Spirit. That kind of thing has happened to me a few times. I think maybe there is a power in not knowing the language. It makes me listen to the spirit.

Quick! I need everyone within the sound of my voice to send as many fruit snacks as humanly possible to

Eglise de Jesus Christ (SDJ)
BP 80511
St. Denis CEDEX 97490
La Reunion

They don't have those here. Can you believe that? Poor people do not have the gospel or fruit snacks.
Also letters can be sent to

19 ter log 2 Chemin Crere Coeur
Bois Rouge
97460 St. Paul
La Reunion

Well I have to go! Pday was wonderful, we went on a hike in the rain forest! so beautiful. I love you all! Passe un bonne journee

Soeur Edwahh 

also we met this lady porting and she took out a giant stick and started knocking fruit out of a tree haha and we had to catch it then she gave it to us. Idk what it is called but it looks so cool and tastes awesome. We pick fruit all the time here when we are walking. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

She's Leaving on a Jet Plane!


I do not have much time today (I have to go and catch a quick flight to Paris soon) but I just wanted to send a few pictures home and say hello and I love you all!
I am so pumped to talk to you today ma mere et mon pere! (mom and dad). Be waiting attentively by the phone at 3:15 please! (my time) idk when I will actually call but I am hoping it is around that time!
Today has been a little stressful! I feel like I have so much to do still (I really don't but in my mind I do) and packing without being over the 50 pound weight limit is never easy! But it will all be wonderful, I have faith.
Let me just tell you about a few tender mercies I have seen this week.
One...Matt made it to Peru! I got his email today and I could not be more thrilled for him!
Two...Last night Elder Lynch and Elder Haggard asked me if I wanted a blessing before I left. It had been on my mind but I was too emberassed or something to ask (dumb, I know) so I was very touched that they offered. They gave me a very simple but powerful blessing. I love our Elders and will miss them dearly.

Also this morning at the temple I was just very emotional (can you blame me? haha) and so I was maybe crying....a the celestial room (don't worry mom, they were not sad tears. they were excited and nervous and grateful and maybe a little sad to say goodbye to my friends tears) and Elder Castrjon, one of my Zone Leaders, came over and pointed at two scriptures (alms 17:5 and 11) and told me that it would all be okay. I have probably read these verses at LEAST two whole times in my life, but they meant something more to me now. Applying the enabling power of the Atonement means more to me now. His act of kindness, to find that scripture and share it with me, meant the world.
I just said goodbye to my room forever (goodbye 17M-383). We drank Martinellis to celebrate. I love my companions and will miss them.

I am excited to read my journal on the plane! It's something every missionary does...they have people write nice things in a journal for them when they are leaving. And it's tradition in my mind that you can't read them until you are on the plane. (not that I have ever done this before) but it seemed like a good idea to wait. So I have got a whole buttload of nice things just waiting to be read!
I will be honest, I am not looking forward to a two day trip. It will be hard and I will be in DESPERATE need of a shower the morning of the 12th. I am hoping to sleep alot...we shall see! I think I already told you that Elder Peck and Elder Sanchez are threatening to take pictures of me sleeping. Those numptys. I am excited to say hello to Paris though! One day we will be there as a family and I will be able to speak fluent (African) French to everyone! Which reminds me...a lot of people have told me that they actually speak creole where I am going. So...wish me luck!
Sorry this email is so short! I will send letters and pictures next monday from the other side of the world. I do ask at this time for all of y'alls prayers....your faith and support are much appreciated. Thanks for all the emails. I love you all and will say hello to Africa for you.
Soeur Edwards.

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Greatest Joke Ever Told

Family and Friends
No big deal or anything but I LEAVE TO AFRICA IN A WEEK AND I GOT MY TRAVEL PLANS. We leave Monday at 5:30 pm (so parents, expect a call around 3:30 I am thinking) and land in Paris the Morning of the eleventh. Then we have a flipping 8 hour layover in Paris (kill me now) then we leave that night and fly STRAIGHT DOWN. hola. I get in at 8:40 AM (their time) the morning of the 12th. Longest flight of my life but it could be worse.
Ah. This week was awesome. Idk why but it was just a super good week. I shall now write some of the highlights of my week so that you may better understand.
One, I played kickball this week! Which we all know is super outside of my box and I cannot tell a lie, it caused me some anxiety. But then all the elders in the whole zone were like "Edwards! Edwards! Edwards!" and can you say no to that? I daresay, no you cannot. So I played and not to brag or anything but I got a home run (definitely my greatest athletic acheivemnt ever, no big deal). I also struck out (is that the correct term?) but that is besides the point! The point is that I played and conquered my fear and am pretty much a professional now AND I got a ton of compliments on my yellow nikes.
I also told the greatest joke ever been told in the history of the MTC. (It's a fact, I checked.) We were popcorn teaching a teacher (where one companionship starts and then another one has to jump in) and it was our turn and I said "oh no! I am not ready!" then Smart-Alec Elder Haggard said "But is the spirit ready?" and I said, without missing a beat, "Yes. Much like five dollar pizza, the spirit is always ready." It was only so funny because the MTC is a pressure cooker and so every emotion we feel is magnified ten times and we are all starved for entertainment but we laughed for a good minute. I was on one this week- I cracked jokes left and right but then an elder told me he "loved my sass" and I felt awkward.
Oh! Also I was in line for lunch on Friday and this older sister behind me said something and so I turned around and began talking with her and she tells me her and her husband are serving in the Marshall Islands! So of course I freak out (and I am pretty sure I almost gave this sweet old lady a heart attack) and told her my brother served there and loved it and how the missionaries there get so close to the senior couples and how he works here now and loves it. And she asked his name and I said "Elder Edwards" and she said "How funny, I am related to some Edwards" and we talk some more and turns out Grandpa (my grandpa, Wayne) is her uncle! Now family history has never been my strong point but if my math is correct, we are related! So she gave me a big hug and we took a picture together. It was really sweet.
Also! I was sitting in class and Elder Castillo (not in my district but probably one of my favorite elders) came in and was like sister Edwards get over here! So I ran out and their WHOLE district had made a tunnel with their arms (like moms would do for soccer games) and they were like "run through it! we did this just for you because we love you and are so grateful for your jokes and your presence." Can you say sweetest thing ever? It seems so simple but it really made my day.
Also! We had a water chugging contest and I totally won. Granted, half of it was on my shirt or in the trashcan but that is okay! Elder Sanchez recorded the whole thing... I must find that video and destroy it immediately.
We got new girls in our room! Those lucky ducks are English speaking and therefore get to sleep till 6:30 every morning. But it is okay. Poor things cried the whole first night. I say poor things but I really mean I am angry at them for keeping me awake. I am totally kidding, my heart really did go out to them.
I don't know what else to say! I am nervous to leave the MTC but excited as well. I am trying to use my time as wisely as possible so that I may better serve my Lord. But it can be hard to focus when we are all friends. The French is okay, but I am excited to be in the field where I will learn it faster. The food here continues to be rachet but the spirit continues to be strong. Oh! We had the coolest fireside yesterday. Some old man (Ted Gibbons) used the whole stage and just acted out events in church history from the point of view of Dr. Richards, who was one of Joseph Smiths dear friends and was with him when he and Hyrum died in Carthage. It was such a testimony strengthener to me that Joseph Smith was and IS a prophet. God the Father and the Son really did appear to him and we do have the true church back on this earth. I have taken that for granted most of my life. But I am making the goal right now to thank my Father in Heaven at least once a day that we know the truth. I love this gospel.
I still cannot believe this is my last full Monday at the MTC. We did initiatories at the temple today and I realized how much I will miss it! I love the temple and (if you ever tell anyone this I will deny it) I really do love the MTC. It has taken all the things I am bad at (humilty and patience to name a few) and forced me to change. And it has taken the few things I am okay at (talking to others and making friends) and helped me to increase those talents. It is not about me. And that is the hardest thing to remember. It is not about where I WANT to go on my mission or what language I WANT to speak or which companions I WANT to have. And it's not even about how much success I WANT. Although that seems like a woth while thing to strive for, it is what the Lord wants. It is what He has always wanted. I am literally here, not to speak French, not to say the things I want, not to DO the things I want, but to be a vessicle for His work. I think I am starting to maybe grasp one tenth of one percent of the Atonement and what that means for all of us. What that means for me. What that means for my Investigators, who are nothing more or less than LITERAL children of God. I want nothing more than to become less selfish, less self centered, less self aborbed and to turn outward to others in love, service and compassion as my Savior did and continues to do.
Well that's all for now folks. Oh yeah, and if your name is Chyenn Way YOU BETTER HURRY AND WRITE TO ME WHAT KIND OF FRIEND DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? love ya.
I think I have another Pday on Saturday before I leave. But even if I don't, the chruch is still true. It is my goal to always be true to the church.
Souer Edwards