Monday, June 10, 2013

She's Leaving on a Jet Plane!


I do not have much time today (I have to go and catch a quick flight to Paris soon) but I just wanted to send a few pictures home and say hello and I love you all!
I am so pumped to talk to you today ma mere et mon pere! (mom and dad). Be waiting attentively by the phone at 3:15 please! (my time) idk when I will actually call but I am hoping it is around that time!
Today has been a little stressful! I feel like I have so much to do still (I really don't but in my mind I do) and packing without being over the 50 pound weight limit is never easy! But it will all be wonderful, I have faith.
Let me just tell you about a few tender mercies I have seen this week.
One...Matt made it to Peru! I got his email today and I could not be more thrilled for him!
Two...Last night Elder Lynch and Elder Haggard asked me if I wanted a blessing before I left. It had been on my mind but I was too emberassed or something to ask (dumb, I know) so I was very touched that they offered. They gave me a very simple but powerful blessing. I love our Elders and will miss them dearly.

Also this morning at the temple I was just very emotional (can you blame me? haha) and so I was maybe crying....a the celestial room (don't worry mom, they were not sad tears. they were excited and nervous and grateful and maybe a little sad to say goodbye to my friends tears) and Elder Castrjon, one of my Zone Leaders, came over and pointed at two scriptures (alms 17:5 and 11) and told me that it would all be okay. I have probably read these verses at LEAST two whole times in my life, but they meant something more to me now. Applying the enabling power of the Atonement means more to me now. His act of kindness, to find that scripture and share it with me, meant the world.
I just said goodbye to my room forever (goodbye 17M-383). We drank Martinellis to celebrate. I love my companions and will miss them.

I am excited to read my journal on the plane! It's something every missionary does...they have people write nice things in a journal for them when they are leaving. And it's tradition in my mind that you can't read them until you are on the plane. (not that I have ever done this before) but it seemed like a good idea to wait. So I have got a whole buttload of nice things just waiting to be read!
I will be honest, I am not looking forward to a two day trip. It will be hard and I will be in DESPERATE need of a shower the morning of the 12th. I am hoping to sleep alot...we shall see! I think I already told you that Elder Peck and Elder Sanchez are threatening to take pictures of me sleeping. Those numptys. I am excited to say hello to Paris though! One day we will be there as a family and I will be able to speak fluent (African) French to everyone! Which reminds me...a lot of people have told me that they actually speak creole where I am going. So...wish me luck!
Sorry this email is so short! I will send letters and pictures next monday from the other side of the world. I do ask at this time for all of y'alls prayers....your faith and support are much appreciated. Thanks for all the emails. I love you all and will say hello to Africa for you.
Soeur Edwards.

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