Monday, May 27, 2013

Everything is satisfactual.

Can you believe that I have been at the MTC for a month? Well, believe it. Cause it's truth, it's actual, everything is satisfactual. I leave in exactly 14 days! HOLLA.
This week was good, but Tuesday was really hard. Sometimes things just pile up and then if you don't talk about them you eventually explode. So I was just kind of at that point and we taught our investigator (who, spoiler alert is actually our teacher) and the lesson didn't go very well. She could tell something was wrong so she had me stay back and talk to her. I broke down, which was actually very thereputic for me. We just talked about things I could do to improve the things I was worrying about and made plans. Although days like that are never fun, I am grateful for them. Our Savior, the perfect missionary, was rejected and faced hardships and trials and disappointments. So it would seem odd if I never had a hard day, because I am His hands to do His work on this earth, and therefore it is expected to be hard. And I welcome the tears, because they allow me to turn to my Father and find joy in his love.
Our trio is doing good. Sometime my companions still do things that make me want to stop and say "ain't no body in this whole world got any time at all for that" but I am sure they feel the same way about me sometimes too, so it's okay. But we are friends, and that is very important. We are learning to rely on one another when we teach and everyday we learn something new about one another, which helps to open our eyes a little bit to WHY we are the way we are. I love my companions and I am grateful for them.
My thoughts and prayers are still with President Monson. We got to watch a broadcast of the funeral service and although it was beautiful, it is hard to see our Prophet so sad. I am grateful for the knowledge that we as members of the church have that there is life after this.
The food here is rachet. (My hispanic companion taught me that. I say it all the time now). So thanks for the cheese wheel mom (literally, a wheel of cheese arrived for me in the mail this week) because that is all I eat. I ain't trying to get botulism from the food here, shoot.
I love that I am in a building with other foreign speakers. I feel at times that I have learned more portugeuse and Hatian Creole than French. haha oh well. But honestly, it is fun to get language lessons from elders serving in other languages. BOOM, instant friendship. I also love being across the hall from the ESL missionaries. They are all very humble and sweet, and their English is actually pretty good! The Lord has blessed all of us tremendously with the language of our missions.
I love being a missionary. We taught a lesson this week and I just FELT it. Ya know? I was prompted and directed on what to say through the Spirit, which is the most fun part of being a missionary. He said that when he read Joseph Smith History 17 (the first vision, which I TOTES have memorized in French) he felt another presence in the room. And I was like BAM! Holy Ghost, testifying of truth. When we are baptized we are blessed with the gift of the Holy Ghost (reception du don du L'Saint-Esprit) and we can have it with us always. And then I issued the baptismal challenge (good thing I had it memorized) and he accepted. YES! I love the Spirit! And I love being called Sister. I love it. One of my friends, an elder in our disctrict, found out my name was Page and was all "nice to meet you Page" and I was all "that's sister Page to you." haha. Being called sister means a lot to me. It means I am my Saviors servant. What more could I want?
Hey! I saw Victoria Sheets finally this week, a few times actually!  I sent a picture home. She also gave the conversion story in Relief Society. She is so awesome. I loved seeing a familiar face! She is wonderful! I saw Alicia Kemp a lot this week too. Funny how that happens.
Hmm...what else? Oh I have a silly story. So Elder Lynch and I both really love Disney and so we were talking about Winnie The Pooh and I said the Heffelumps and Woozles song really scared me when I was younger and so now of course he sings it all the time and emailed his mom for all the lyrics and he claims he is going to memorize it and find my room and sing it late at night haha and also that he will record himself signing it while he is in Africa and send me the recording. What a weirdo. But we all love him, he's the funniest Scott we have ever met.
Hey! We got a new elder this week. It's a little weird. He threw off our grove a little bit. But that's cool. He has already been through the MTC once (French speaking for 9 weeks) and started serving his mission but came home and is now doing it again. But since he already kind of speaks French he only has to be here 3 weeks. He is pretty buggy but I am learning to deal. And I am learning (and loving) to take things here in stride. I will NEVER again be a 20 year old missionary headed to Madagascar in the MTC ever again. So I am going to enjoy every moment. Even the hard ones. Because they are all part of the plan.
The Temple was closed this morning. (Happy Memorial day! Wasn't that Music and the Spoken Word beautiful?) And even though it's sad not going to the temple I was pretty okay with it because we got to sleep in until 6:30. Which is awesome!
Hey want to know a secret? I love being music cooridantor for my branch. It is a cool opportunity to meet new people and I love the hymns in French. They really are beautiful!
What else to say? Life is still life at the MTC. We wake up early and have class for 6 hours, study time for 4 and an hour of nap, I mean gym, time tuesday-friday. I love the structure though, because it gives us a chance to be obedient, which bring happiness. Isn't that funny? Sometime I like to complain that there are too many rules or the dresscode is too hard to follow, but in reality these rules are in place because we are all dumb and the Lord knows how to make us happy despite that. If we obey his commandements, we are happy. Simple. I love the gospel. The Lord loves us so he didn't make anything too hard to understand.
Yesterday on our temple walk (best part of the week!) we saw so many people with out shoes on. Why are Utahns so weird? Oh and also I met some elders going to San Antonio Spanish Speaking! That is more exciting to me than my own mission call. I love Texas! Everyone else in my district hates on it, but they are all just Utards. Don't worry, good people of Texas, I am defending our state aggressively.
I love you all! Thanks for the letters and the prayers. I can feel your love.

Oh and mom and dad...we are all going to Scotland after our missions to visit Elder Lynch and speak perfect French to one another. Start saving up ;)

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